Happy and content…@svdwild digging the SoCal climbing vibes on a crisp yet warm Spring day @missiontrails_regionalpark…#chillinorockclimbing #rockclimbing #climbing_photos_of_instagram #visitsandiego #sandiego #rockclimbingsandiego #chillinoguides #chillinosessions …@svdwild @missiontrails_regionalpark
Ready steady go! @raycheelo and @stevenquinn….#chillinorockclimbing #rockclimbing #climbing_pictures_of_instagram #joshuatree #climbing #chillinoguides #klettern…@joshuatreenps
Our mentor and Guru @climbmichaeljonesHe is the man who fuels our adventurous spirits. His perspective is different and keeps us youngsters in check.Grateful for good memories and friendship. Can't wait for the next "pitch" together… whatever wherever it is …#chillinorockclimbing #chillinoguides #rockclimbing #climbing_pictures_of_instagram #guru #mentor #friend #roadtrip #wisdom #experience #daredevil #youcangoyourownway #inspiration #60'sthenew20's #michaeljones #theoneandonly…@climbmichaeljones @gregasaurus_flex @donaldsonclimbing @s_rahh